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Genealogy Package 5 from £200

Package 2 allows you to trace an individual branch of a surname back to the late 1700’s/early 1800’s. This should give you information on around 5 individuals depending on what is found as unfortunately some people just can not be found and depends on the year you start from and the years between the generations.
Package 5 From £200
This would give you no certificates and would rely on census data, basic birth, marriage and death records as well as baptism and burial records where available. Exact dates many not be available, (for example I would be able to tell the year an event occurred but not the exact date). I would not be able to guarantee the accuracy of the work to 100% as certificates are the only way to guarantee facts are correct. This is the best level if you want to trace ancestors before 1837 when certificates began.
You can upgrade this packages by including birth, marriage and death certificates. They are charged at £11 each which is the cost price the Government charges for them.
You can upgrade all levels by opting to receive your data printed and in a binder. This would start at £30 plus postage. For this you will received an individual summary on each direct ancestor showing all the information found as well as the names of any children they may have had which have been located. You will also get family trees per surname and an overall family tree. You will also get a timeline of your ancestry and surname definitions of each surname found. No original source material will be included.
If you would prefer a full exact copy of the digital report this can run into thousands of pages so the cost would need to be calculated once the research is complete, but would possibly be around £100 due to the cost of paper, printing and folders required.
Package 5 From £200
This would give you no certificates and would rely on census data, basic birth, marriage and death records as well as baptism and burial records where available. Exact dates many not be available, (for example I would be able to tell the year an event occurred but not the exact date). I would not be able to guarantee the accuracy of the work to 100% as certificates are the only way to guarantee facts are correct. This is the best level if you want to trace ancestors before 1837 when certificates began.
You can upgrade this packages by including birth, marriage and death certificates. They are charged at £11 each which is the cost price the Government charges for them.
You can upgrade all levels by opting to receive your data printed and in a binder. This would start at £30 plus postage. For this you will received an individual summary on each direct ancestor showing all the information found as well as the names of any children they may have had which have been located. You will also get family trees per surname and an overall family tree. You will also get a timeline of your ancestry and surname definitions of each surname found. No original source material will be included.
If you would prefer a full exact copy of the digital report this can run into thousands of pages so the cost would need to be calculated once the research is complete, but would possibly be around £100 due to the cost of paper, printing and folders required.